Nov 21, 2011

Gay marriage

Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery? How many of you guys have thought about it? According to the newspaper and internet articles, every year many people try the latest techniques in plastic surgery to get better looking and confidence on themselves. As many celebrities do it, it attracts normal people to get it. Deciding on getting plastic surgery done might be difficult. I hope to make your decision much easier as I share with you some of the facts and statistics below.
There are many procedures offered in the industry today. Having plastic surgery done takes risks and it costs a lot. There is still a chance of being dissatisfied with your new look, but you might be perfectly happy and satisfied with your new look. They are coming out with so many different cosmetic plastic surgeries that it's hard to choose which one to get. Some of the most popular ones from 2010. are Liposuction, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and female breast reduction. Some of the most popular non-surgical procedures were Botox injections, which were popular among Americans. Over 2 million people getting these injections done and there were nearly 8.3 million procedures total performed in the year 2010.
As plastic surgery has generalized, Anyone who has enough money to take the surgery can change their appearance or even look like a star in a month or two. These options are not only limited to the celebrities, but average day to day person. Almost anybody can afford some type of plastic surgery. Depending on the procedure, it can cost basically $200.00 to $6,000 and up. You may only have to have it done once, or you might have to go to fix your appearance more. Money is definitely a big issue when you are ready to go get it.
Although it is not too common to have a side-effect, in some situation that happens. If you are unaware of the risks ahead of time you can be left with physical and emotional scars. The rate of getting plastic surgery has increased a lot in the world, especially in Asia. There is interesting example of Botox injection in Korea. I am from Korea, it is not very unique to get plastic surgery for women. Here are some pictures of side-effect of Botox injection. She used to be a model, but she is just a woman who has strange looking. You do not want to have that looking for sure. She is the worst example of getting plastic surgery. It warns that too much surgery might come with side-effect. She took the surgery at least 3 times per year. As plastic surgery takes risk, the reward might satisfy or dissatisfy you.
To conclude, we have looked at some positive and negative factors about getting plastic surgery done. The vast majority of people who get surgery done come out unharmed and looking how they wanted to look. And that's good, they were willing to take the risk, and in return got what they wanted. Some people weren't so lucky. It's been proven that satisfaction of your appearance is linked to your happiness and overall mood and performance, so it's a very high priority for a lot people. The decision to get plastic surgery has to do with your state of mind and how you feel about yourself. Thank you.