Nov 21, 2011

Fitness Plan

Cardio goal: Keeping ones body fit helps in living a healthy life since the body is free from readily exposed diseases. The most effective short term goal in cardio is losing weight which must be achieved by the end year 2011 thus taking two months. To achieve this goal, the steps that one has to take include working on various exercises such as swimming and running.
Benefits: one of the advantages about this goal is that it enables one have a correct body shape free from excess fats. The second one is to ensure that the cardiovascular system is fit especially the heart, preventing it form any disease that may result to it is functional failure.
Assessment: Swimming is the best fitness tests that can measure this goal of weight loss. This is possible because it will help in keeping the rate of the heart beat fit while and at the same time strengthening the joints so as to prevent any pains. This can be done by swimming at least thrice a week during the evenings after having a long day at work. One should also involve the people around him or her in evaluating him or herself because it is hard for them to realize any change.
Stages of change model: The current stage of change model experienced at this period is referred to as the preparation stage. This is a stage that involves an individual in taking appropriate behavioral patterns in respond to their health. One of the strategies put in place in making sure that the goal is achieved is the reduced consumption of fatty food stuffs. The second strategy is working closely with an expert who is ready to help one in achieving the set goal by providing proper swimming lesson.
Barriers and solutions: Some of the barriers involved while trying to achieve this goal include poor weather conditions during the evening and sometimes suffocation while in the pool. The best solution during this period is to visit a cardio room which offers a variety of equipments and a pool that best suits ones needs regardless of his or her physical condition. The second barrier is based on time. One is not able to meet the time scheduled for the exercise because of him or her being held up at work. For one to able to meet time, he or she has to must be willing to sacrifice some more time whenever he or she misses the exercise.
What one has to do in these three days of exercise is to use the various available equipments at the gym to achieve the maximum weight lose. On the first day, one has to jog around the pool before sprinting freestyle 50m, three times for about 20 minute. After this, resting for twenty second is allowed before now taking on a three times 100m using any desired stroke. When done, the remaining hours can be used for swimming at ones desired pace.
On second day, an individual has to sprint for 50-100m five times before giving him or her self arrest thus done by use of dolphin kicks or breast. The last day of the week involves the use of dumbbells while swimming which helps in changing the shoulder. One can work on pushups 10 times then followed by bicep curls that are done 20 times repeatedly.
Muscular strength: The long term set goal is to increase the body muscular strength should take a period of one year which makes it more trackable. This goal is related to squatting which helps in strengthening the muscles. This goal is measurable because of the available equipments need to facilitate its achievement. Having muscle strength is a priority because it reduces an individual’s death rate.
Benefits: One of the advantages why people should consider squatting for muscle strength is because it having the ability to maintain strong and healthy bones. The second advantage of squatting is based on the fact that it helps strengthening the muscles thus reducing the rate premature death form occurring. This means that those individuals having strong bones have minimal chances of dying.
Assessments: Strength training achieved through squatting is best ways of measuring this type of fitness. This can be scheduled twice a week after the working hours hence done consecutively as it is recommended by the experts. Muscular strength can be assessed by one observing if there is an increase mass in the hands and legs. Use of role models is also important because they motivate one making sure that the planned goal is achieved.
Stages of change models: The current stage of change model experienced in this goal is referred to as the maintenance stage where an individual tries to maintain his or her healthy living. This stage involves frequent visit made to the gym during the evening for at least two consecutive days in a week. The first strategy that has to be put in place is to always have time for the exercise to achieve the goal. The second strategy is working around people who are ready to help in achieving the goal.
Barriers and solution: A barrier that an individual is expected to face is finding the equipments in the gymnasium to heavy to carry during the initial time. This kind of barrier is achieved by one using the minimal equipment that he or she can lift without considering what other people around will say. The second barrier is an individual’s attitude toward the kind of exercise. If one considers the exercise to be hard, then working it out will also be difficult for him or her. The best thing to do is to set the mind positively so as to achieve the set goal.