Nov 22, 2011

cell phones: should they be allowed in schools?

I. Cell phones use in schools has advantages and disadvantages.
Thesis Statement
In spite of the advantages of cell phones, it's has a lot of negative sides that leads to cause distraction during the class, cheating in tests, and students will message each other most of the time during class.

II. Cell phones cause distraction during the class.
A. Students can send images and songs.
1. Students will not concentrate and can't listen to the teacher.
2. Students will get lower marks.
B. Phones may ring during the class time.
III. Students can use the cell phones as a cheating device in tests.
A. Students can take pictures from the book for cheating purposes.
1. Using Bluetooth to send the pictures for their friends.

B. Students can save a document files.
1. Students can save files such as review questions or other important papers that the teacher gave it to them.
2. Cell phones can save notes in a text messages and send them to each others.

IV. During the class time students can send messages.
A. Instead of talking they can text each other by messaging.
B. Students get inclined into the habit of writing in short forms, which leads them not to be able to put the right spelling on paper.

V. Refutation
Most parents disagree to let their children take their cell phones in schools because they know its cause a lot of bad habits and their children will get lower marks. It's important for the children to know that it's a place to learn for 5 hours daily and they should know also that there is time for playing and other times to be responsible.

VI. Conclusion
To conclude, using cell phones in schools has a lot of discussions between to be allowed or not to be allowed. In my opinion, I'm disagree of using it in schools because it's become an addictive device that children and older people cannot live without it.